Education Background
Sep, 2002-Jul. 2007 Ph.D, Department of engineering mechanics, Tsinghua University
Sep. 1998-Jul. 2002 B.S., Department of engineering mechanics, Tsinghua University
Professional Experience
Jul.2009-Present Department of Mechanics & Aerospace, School of Engineering, Peking University.
Jul. 2007-Jul. 2009 Department of Applied Mechanics, School of Science, Beijing Institute of Technology, CHINA
Research Interests
1. The multi-field coupled mechanics of Smart materials
2. Fabrication and characterization of actuators, sensors, etc.
3. Characterization of electromagnetic materials
Awards And Honors
National excellent dotoral dissertation
Selected Publications
[1] Chen X, Xu XC, Ai SG, Chen HS, Pei YM, and Zhou XM?Active acoustic metamaterials with tunable effective mass density by gradient magnetic fields, Applied Physics Letters 105, 071913, 2014; doi: 10.1063/1.4893921
[2] XU H, Pei YM, Fang DN, and Wang PD, Nonlinear harmonic distortion effect in magnetoelectric laminate composites, Applied Physics Letters, 105, 012904, 2014;
[3] Yu ZJ, Mao WG, Li FX, Feng X, Pei YM, and Fang DN, Magnetic and electric bulge-test instrument for the determination of coupling mechanical properties of functional free-standing films and flexible electronics?Review of Scientific Instruments?85?6??065117, 2014
[4] Zhou, H; Pei, YM; Fang, DN, Magnetic Field Tunable Small-scale Mechanical Properties of Nickel Single Crystals Measured by Nanoindentation Technique, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 4: 4583, 2014
[5] Zhou, H; Pei, YM; Li FS, Luo HS, Fang, DN, Electric-field-tunable mechanical properties of relaxor ferroelectric single crystal measured by nanoindentation, Applied Physics Letters, 104(6), 061904,2014
[6] Tang JD, Yu ZJ, Sun YY, Pei YM, and Fang DN, A bulge-induced dehydration failure mode of nanocomposite hydrogel, Applied Physics Letters, 103(16), 161903,2013
[7] Zhou LC, Pei YM, Zhang RB and Fang DN, Method for Design of Dual-Band Flat Radome Wall Structure, AIAA Journal, 51(12), 2819-2822, 2013.
[8] Zhou H, Pei YM, Huang H, Zhao HW, Li FX, and Fang DN*, Multi-field nanoindentation apparatus for measuring local mechanical properties of materials in external magnetic and electric field, Review of Scientific Instruments, 84:063906, 2013.
[9] Hao F, Pei YM, and Fang DN*, The effects of interface misfit strain and surface tension on magnetoelectric effects in layered magnetostrictive-piezoelectric composites, Journal of Applied Physics, 114: 044109, 2013
[10] Xu H, Pei YM, Fang DN, Ai SG, An energy-based dynamic loss hysteresis model for giant magnetostrictive materials, International Journal of Solids and Structures , 50(5):672-679,2013
[11] Zhou LC, Pei YM, Zhang RB, Fang DN, Design for Broadband High-temperature Radome Wall with Graded Porous Structure, AIAA Journal, 50(9):1956-1963,2012